
SAVING-DIRECTION TO ANYONE WHO COMES ACROSS THIS INFORMATION: PLEASE READ! YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST; IT IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE! - PLEASE FINISH READING ALL OF IT! -           A SWEET, QUIET VOICE CRIES OUT FROM A HIDDEN LOCKED ROOM! BEGGING YOU TO LISTEN! PLEASE! – THIS IS YOUR SPIRIT/YOUR TRUE SELF – THIS IS THE INFORMATION YOU ARE TO HEAR! -         YOU WHO COME ACROSS THIS! THIS WORLD AND YOUR CONDITION IS NOTHING LIKE YOU THINK IT IS! – BUT HERE IS THE INFORMATION TO INFORM YOU AND  GET YOU TO FREEDOM! (I apologize, the English may not be 100% perfect. Also, please use a dictionary for any words you do not understand/get the meaning of exactly… Furthermore: look up the meaning of certain phrases you do not know – it is important that you get all of this. Thank you.) Please do copy this work and save it, so you can always access it. The style of this writing is meant to carry across the urgency of this message, which is so very important - for your salvation/freedom.